Please consider joining us and donating to support our mission to advance patient-centered metastasis research worldwide and stop cancer metastasis from stealing lives.
We are very grateful for your donation and support of metastasis research.
Note: The MRS is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit in the USA. This means donations made from within the US are tax deductible so please save your receipt!
The Metastasis Research Society
Attention: Conor Lynch, PhD
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
SRB-3, 12902 Magnolia Dr
Tampa, FL 33612
Your Donation Supports Our Ability to Improve Outcomes for Metastatic Patients Worldwide By:
- Organizing metastasis-related conferences including our International Biennial Congress to promote the exchange of information amongst stakeholders (patients, researchers and clinicians)
- Aiding the career development of young investigators trying to build careers in metastasis research, which has become increasingly difficult due to insufficient funding
- Promoting collaborations and sharing of resources/techniques between key stakeholders in metastasis research and treatment globally
- Educating the metastatic patient community to enable them to make more informed treatment choices