MRS Awards and Honours
The MRS recognizes excellence in the field of metastasis through several awards and honours
The Paget-Ewing Award
The Paget-Ewing Award is named after Sir Stephen Paget and Dr. James Ewing, pioneers in metastasis research in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who proposed the two major theories to explain the organ selectivity of metastasis. The Paget-Ewing Award is the highest honor bestowed by the Metastasis Research Society and honors a person’s scientific excellence and substantial contributions to the understanding and/or control of cancer metastasis. Service to the MRS, or to the field in general, is not a primary criterion for the award. The award is open to all members of the metastasis research community. Current members of the MRS board are not eligible.
Recipients of The Paget-Ewing Award
2024 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Ashani Weeraratna
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
Johns Hopkins University
2022 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Zena Werb
2020 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Richard Hynes
2018 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Joan Massagué
2012 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
David Cheresh
2010 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Danny Welch
2008 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Lynn Matrisian
2006 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Avraham Raz
2004 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Lance Liotta
2002 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Isaiah Fidler
2000 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Garth Nicolson
1998 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Everett Sugerbaker
1994 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Gabriel Gasic
1992 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
Irving Zeidman
1990 MRS Paget-Ewing Awardee
The Fidler Innovation Award
The I.J. “Josh” Fidler Innovation in Metastasis Research Award acknowledges the special contributions of Dr. Fidler, who developed new models, shifted the manner in which metastasis is studied in experimental settings, contributed to our fundamental understanding of tumor progression and heterogeneity and translated laboratory findings into the clinical management of metastatic disease. The award is given to an investigator who has made innovative contributions to metastasis research, thereby influencing the direction — either technically or conceptually — of this area of research. The award is open to all members of the research community. Current members of the MRS board are not eligible.

Recipients of the I.J “Josh” Fidler Innovation Award
2024 MRS Fidler Innovation Awardee
Johanna Joyce
Department of Oncology
University of Lausanne
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
2022 MRS Fidler Innovation Awardee
John Condeelis
2020 MRS Fidler Innovation Awardee
Christoph Klein
2018 MRS Fidler Innovation Awardee
Dihua Yu
2016 MRS Fidler Innovation Awardee
Yibin Kang
2014 MRS Fidler Innovation Awardee
David Lyden
2012 MRS Fidler Innovation Awardee
The Sue Eccles Early Career Investigator Award
The MRS board of directors established an Early Career Investigator Award in 2016 in honor of Dr. Sue Eccles, one of our most accomplished investigators and original supporter of the MRS. This award honors excellent metastasis research performed by members of the MRS who are in their first faculty (any track) position after postdoctoral training (i.e. Assistant Professor, Instructor), before promotion to the next level (i.e. Associate Professor or equivalent), and who have established their own independent research group. Self-nomination is possible. Current members of the MRS board are not eligible.

Recipients of The Sue Eccles Early Career Investigator Award
2024 MRS Sue Eccles Early Career Investigator Awardee
Soledad Sosa
Department of Pharmacological Science
Department of Oncological Sciences
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
2022 MRS Sue Eccles Early Career Investigator Awardee
Li Ma
2020 MRS Sue Eccles Early Career Investigator Awardee
Xiang Zhang
2018 MRS Sue Eccles Early Career Investigator Awardee
Jing Yang
2016 MRS Sue Eccles Early Career Investigator Awardee

The Women in Science Achievement Award
“For exceptional demonstrable contribution to scientific discovery in the field of metastasis research.”
Established in 2020 by the MRS Board, the Women in Science Achievement Award recognises the achievements of exceptional female scientists at any stage of their careers.
Recipients of the Women in Science Achievement Award
2022 MRS Women in Science Achievement Awardee
Ulrike Stein
Experimental and Clinical Research Center of the Charité
Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association
German Cancer Consortium (DKTK)
2022 MRS Women in Science Achievement Awardee

The Kurt Hellmann Award for the translation of metastasis research into clinical practice.
The renowned clinical pharmacologist Kurt Hellmann (1922-2013) was one of the founding fathers of the Metastasis Research Society and an early pioneer in the translation of basic metastasis research findings into clinical application. The Kurt Hellmann Award Lecture was established in 2014 and honored his outstanding contribution to the field. The award (originally sponsored by Novartis) was given to an investigator who has contributed significantly to the translation of metastasis research into clinical practice.